Belarusian Art Practices of Straw Weaving (Straw Weaving of Belarus: Art, Craft and Skills)Cipher (in the State list): 13БК000132, 23БК000133, 33БК000134, 43БК000135, 53БК000136, 63БК000137, 73БК000138
Date inclusion: 20.02.2020
№ Protocol Rada: Пратакол пасяджэння Беларускай рэспубліканскай навукова-метадычнай рады па пытаннях гісторыка-культурнай спадчыны ад 12.02.2020 № 04-01-02/2. Пастанова Міністэрства культуры Рэспублікі Беларусь ад 20.02.2020 № 15. Minutes of the Belarusian Republican Scientific and Methodological Council on Historical and Cultural Heritage' meeting, 12.02.2020 No. 04-01-02/2. Resolution of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus of 20.02.2020 No.15
Cipher (in inventory): НКС-20200806
Identifying the elements of the ICHName: Belarusian Art Practices of Straw Weaving (Straw Weaving of Belarus: Art, Craft and Skills) The second item name ICH (adopted in a particular community, the local version): Belarusian Weavingof; Belarusian straw Corresponding to (s) Community (s), group (s) or individual (s) described: Straw weaving and other straw-based artistic practices are common throughout the territory of Belarus. Until the middle of the 20th century, this craft had been mainly developed in rural areas, but later people began to actively master it in cities. Today, the largest number of craftsmen live in the north of the country — in the Vitebsk region — as well as in the northwestern part — in the Grodno region. But there are straw-weaving centers in all the other Belarusian regions. There are associations of straw-weaving craftsmen in all the large cities and most of the small towns of the country. In the towns of Braslav, Verkhnedvinsk, and Gorodok (Vitebsk region), craftsmen preserve and use the most archaic techniques of spiral straw weaving. About one third of the craftsmen still live and work in rural areas. The most famous rural craft centers are located in the village of Korovchin, Dribin district (Mogilev region), and the village of Gubichi, Buda-Kosheliovo district (Gomel region). Many craftsmen live in the villages of the Zhitkovichi district (Gomel region), Brest and Lyakhovichi districts (Brest region), Ivenets district (Grodno region) Habitat:
Short description: Straw weaving in Belarus is a combination of knowledge, technologies, artistic techniques for processing cereal straw, as well as the ideas about the spiritual value and symbolism of the material and the products made from it. This traditional craft is distinguished by a variety of artistic methods and techniques, a great diversity of forms and styles of works created by many generations of masters in different regions of Belarus. The history of straw weaving goes back several centuries. Initially, it was exclusively a peasant craft, but later, urban residents began to do it. Various utensils (boxes, baskets, dossers, and cases), headgears (hats and caps), toys, and accessories were made from straw. Some products were endowed with special sacredness (“harvest wreaths” or Christmas decorations (“pawuks”) made of straw). Today people continue to use them, but rather as interior decoration. The plasticity and artistic potential straw of as a material are harmoniously and skillfully revealed in the best works of folk art. In 17-19 centuries, Belarusian masters — straw weavers — produced a neat work of high complexity: church icon-painting gates. Now they are stored in museum collections. The modern straw weaving art in Belarus is based on the collective traditions of folk craft and is continuously enriched by the creative achievements of individual masters. Modern masters skillfully use the boundless expressive, decorative, and plastic potential of straw weaving, constantly developing and improving them with new artistic methods and techniques. They pass on their knowledge and skills to the younger generation in educational institutions, art palaces, and craft centers by conducting workshops and training sessions during festivals and artisan fairs, as well as using modern communication tools Identification and descriptionCategory: Traditional Craftsmanship » Straw Making Origin: The formation and development of straw weaving as a form of folk art is primarily associated with agro-magical ideas, calendar rites and customs. Straw, its products, sheaves and wreaths with ears, variously decorated, were present in the August, Christmas, spring rites of agricultural peoples. The beginning of straw as a material for weaving refers to the period of expansion of agriculture at the turn of the II - I millennium BC. e. Extensive cultivation of wheat and rye provided a person not only with bread but also with straw. This excellent material does not require special training and is always available on the farm in sufficient quantities. Straw has long been used in Belarusians and other peoples of Europe for the manufacture of various household items: utensils, hats, beehives and others. Straw weaving developed as part of home production. With remarkable skill, plastic and decorative qualities of straw were shown to create things of the practical and art plan - trunks and boxes. In the 1st part of 20 century, they were found everywhere, sold in the markets, in demand among peasants and townspeople as the original decoration of the traditional interior. As a rule, Straw things have not been preserved in people's lives for a long time, so they are practically absent in museum collections. However, due to the strength of traditions, they were annually restored in one form or another in Belarus and other countries almost until the XXI century. Throughout history, the nature of straw paraphernalia has changed little: from the magical function in the ancient period to the artistic, aesthetic role of straw products in the folklife of the XIX-XX centuries. The straw decoration of church interiors from the 18th to the beginning of the 18th century is based on a centuries-old tradition. XIX century The royal gates of the iconostasis of Polesie churches are unique examples of straw weaving in Belarus, the pinnacle of straw weavers' skill, which is the pride of Belarusian folk art. In the middle of the twentieth century, along with the manual harvest, agricultural-ritual straw plastics disappeared, straw hats, an attribute of a traditional summer men's suit, almost ceased to be woven, and household utensils made in the technique of spiral weaving became obsolete. But in the 1960-70s. XX century straw weaving acquired a second life, and by the end of the twentieth century. Its true prosperity took place, its character and style changed. Simultaneously, the best works of most modern straw-weavers have a strong folk basis, direct or indirect continuation and development of the former achievements of this kind of folk art following today's conditions and needs Language or dialect used: Belarusian, Russian Material objects that are associated with the practice of the element: Tools for harvesting raw materials: sickle, knife, scissors, etc. Premises for drying and storage of raw materials. Tools (scissors, knives, needles) and additional materials for work depending on products (threads, a face, a wooden skeleton, etc.) Other intangible elements associated with the practice of the element: A set of knowledge and skills for making applications of straws on fabric, inlays with straws; production of small plastics and compositions from herbal raw materials, spiral weaving from grass, production of sculptures from ball straw, other kinds of handicrafts from natural materials Transmission model element in the community: Nowadays, straw weaving knowledge and skills are transmitted in various ways. First of all, in the families of craftsmen, the older generations pass them on to the younger ones. But in most cases, they are transmitted through various courses and workshops in institutions of formal and non-formal education (art schools and colleges, studios, humanitarian universities). Children are also taught the art of straw weaving in numerous craft and folk art centres, located in almost every region of Belarus, in many cities and villages. There are straw weaving groups in rural cultural centres. Many masters have the opportunity to conduct thematic workshops for tourists, excursion groups, and homestead guests. Knowledge of straw weaving and other straw arts and crafts is transmitted through identification, research, documentation, exhibitions in museums and exhibition halls, during numerous festivals and artisan fairs. Decorative and valuable straw products decorate the interiors of modern living and public spaces in Belarus. They are a wonderful souvenir from Belarus for foreign guests and tourists, honoured guests at special events. Straw accessories and headgear are still used as part of the Belarusian national costume at various holidays and stage performances KeywordsStraw weaving, Belarusian straw, straw spiders, spiral weaving Included in the list of UNESCODocumentsАрэал бытавання на тэрыторыі Беларусі ў 2020г..jpg Арэал бытавання на тэрыторыі Беларусі ў 2020г..jpgАрэал бытавання_Віцебская вобласць.jpg Арэал бытавання_Віцебская вобласць.jpgАрэал бытавання_Гомельская вобласць.jpg Арэал бытавання_Гомельская вобласць.jpgАрэал бытавання_Мінская вобласць.jpg Арэал бытавання_Мінская вобласць.jpgАрэал бытавання_Магілёўская вобласць.jpg Арэал бытавання_Магілёўская вобласць.jpgАрэал бытавання_Брэсцкая вобласць.jpg Арэал бытавання_Брэсцкая вобласць.jpgАрэал бытавання_Брэсцкая вобласць.jpg Арэал бытавання_Брэсцкая вобласць.jpgVideoStraw weaving of Belarus_arts_craft and skills.mp4 |