Language, traditions, knowledge and technologies, which have been handed over to us by previous generations through centuries from hands to hands, from lips to lips, from heart to heart are like precious signs of memory.
They can disappear forever if we don’t preserve them and then hand over to our children and grandchildren, from generation to generation, from hands to hands, from lips to lips, from heart to heart through time and space.
This website is a specialized resource of Ministry of culture of the Republic of Belarus which contains information on best species of intangible cultural heritage of Belarus.
Intangible cultural heritage is the best expression of people’s spiritual potential, mentality and philosophy and ethic norms.
Intangible cultural heritage according to UNESCO Convention (2003) includes: oral traditions and forms of expression including language, art, social practices, rituals, traditions and festivals, knowledge connected with people’s view on nature and surrounding world, traditional crafts. It is “living heritage which is handed over from generation to generation and is regarded by its representatives as their heritage”.
On this website one can found the inventory, which is a base of certain elements of intangible cultural heritage that are included to the List of historic and cultural heritage of Belarus, also objects that are going to get such status.
Working with the inventory one can search according to the categories that are located in the upper left corner of the main page of the website, also using kea words, geography (with the help of a map), and the name of an element.
This website was found with the financial and consultative support of the Fund of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.
The website is being managed by the Institute of culture of Belarus, which forms and curriers the database of intangible cultural heritage of the Ministry of culture of Belarus.