The Culture of Belarusian DudaCipher (in the State list): 83БЛ000170, 23БЛ000171, 33БЛ000178, 43БЛ000172, 53БЛ000173, 63БЛ000174, 73БЛ000175
Date inclusion: 30.05.2023
№ Protocol Rada: Пратакол пасяджэння Беларускай рэспубліканскай навукова-метадычнай рады па пытаннях гісторыка-культурнай спадчыны ад 22.05.2023 № 04-01-02/4. Пастанова Міністэрства культуры ад 30.05.2023 № 80. Minutes of the Belarusian Republican Scientific and Methodological Council on Historical and Cultural Heritage' meeting, 22.05.2023 № 04-01-02/4. Resolution of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus of 30.05.2023 № 80.
Cipher (in inventory): НКС-20231227/2-Б, НКС-20231227/1-Б, НКС-20230420/2-Б, НКС-20230420/4-Б, НКС-20230420/5-Б, НКС-20230420/6-Б, НКС-20230420/7-Б
Identifying the elements of the ICHName: The Culture of Belarusian Duda The second item name ICH (adopted in a particular community, the local version): The Belarusian Duda, The Belarusian bagpipe Corresponding to (s) Community (s), group (s) or individual (s) described: The community comprises individual amateur and professional musicians, duda makers, amateur art groups, experts, amateurs interested in the history and traditional culture of Belarus, employees of regional cultural institutions. Сollectives, institutions and associations related to the element, include Zhivitsa Folk Family Band, Gastsinets, Samagudy, "Maladzechanskiya dudaryki folk bands, Rarog Ancient Music Band (Minsk region), Vargan Folk Band, Pan Muzyka Ethno-Group (Vitebsk region), Naigrysh Folk Band (Gomel region), regional folk art centers, student ethnographic society Habitat:
Short description: The culture of the Belarusian duda is an outstanding phenomenon in the life of modern Belarus. It inherits a historical tradition and is manifested in a variety of forms, knowledge and practices. These include the instrument itself, the instrument making, performance, learning, terminology, customs and folklore. The duda is a wind musical instrument related to the Eastern European bagpipes. The Belarusian duda differs from bagpipes of other countries in its design peculiarities; the distinctive features also include the musical repertoire for the duda and the style of performance. In earlier times, the duda was part of the most important spheres of life of traditional society and was very popular. Interest in the Belarusian duda increased significantly in the 1980s. Today, this tradition is supported by the efforts of the community and the state. Duda making is done by craftsmen based on many years of experience. Musicians in the regions practice various forms of performing folk melodies on the duda, considering themselves bearers and heirs of a long tradition. Knowledge and skills related to the culture of duda are transmitted through various educational practices, research publications and teaching aids. At the same time, duda is actively included in the context of contemporary musical culture, involves creating an original repertoire, is used in such directions as rock, jazz and others. In the modern life of Belarus, the sound of the duda has become an integral part of various cultural events held both at the regional level and nationwide Identification and descriptionCategory: Perfoming Arts » Music Origin: According to written sources, it is known that the duda has existed in Belarus since the end of the 15th century. According to archaeological data, it might have existed in the Vitebsk region at the end of the 13th century. The deep connection of the instrument with ritual practices and archaic ideas of Belarusians indirectly testifies to more ancient origin. The historical distribution area of the Duda culture is the Vitebsk region, the Northwestern and eastern part of Minsk region, and the northern part of Grodno region. Great popularity of duda was recorded during its natural existence in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. Duda was used at family and calendar-ceremonial holidays, merrymaking and fairs, to accompany dances, songs. Detailed descriptions of the design of the instrument and the role of the dudar in the village community date back to this time. However, dudars began less common and less popular by the end of the 19th century. Duda was replaced by more "fashionable” violins, clarinets, and harmonicas in the beginning of the 20th century. Moreover duda was almost disappeared in the middle of the twentieth century. Musicians, music masters and amateur performers began to revive the culture of duda, returned it to artistic practice in the 1970s. Thanks to the efforts of A. Los, V. Puzyna, V. Grom and other musicians and masters, the Belarusian duda began to recover. The basis for the revival of the Duda tradition was the ethnographic fixations of the XIX-XX centuries (M. Nikiforovsky, E. Romanov, etc.). Other Belarusian musicians and masters established their own skillful schools over time. There are dudars, who organize Dudarian festivals and dance parties, researchers began to publish scientific articles and monographs Language or dialect used: Belarusian, Russian Material objects that are associated with the practice of the element: Bagpipes, materials and tools for manufacture Other intangible elements associated with the practice of the element: Traditional tunes, songs, dances Transmission model element in the community: Today, knowledge and skills related to the culture of the Belarusian duda are transmitted in various ways. 1) Oral way which is most relevant to national traditions. It is used in the duda making process, when the transfer of knowledge and skills is carried out individually, from from master to apprentice. In the same way, the mastery of skills and knowledge how to play the duda takes place, which involves learning by ear, by showing. 2) In writing, which includes the practice of learning to play the duda by notes in educational institutions, creating teaching methodologies, creating and disseminating musical repertoire through printed publications, playing the duda of musicians with musical education as part of professional activities of academic collectives KeywordsThe Belarusian Duda, The Belarusian bagpipe Included in the list of UNESCODocumentsЭкспертнае заключэнне_А.В.Сурба.pdf Экспертнае заключэнне_А.В.Сурба.pdfЭкспертнае заключэнне_М.І.Казловіч.pdf Экспертнае заключэнне_М.І.Казловіч.pdfНавуковая апрацоўка_К.А.Радзівілава.pdf Навуковая апрацоўка_К.А.Радзівілава.pdfVideoThe Culture of Belarusian Duda.mp4 |