Budslaŭ Fest on the 1-2nd of July![]() The annual Budslaŭ Fest took place on the 1-2nd of July 2016 and was dedicated to the honor of the Budslaŭ Icon of Our Lady. During a week the pilgrims moved to the festival from Baranаvičy, Maładziečna, Mahilioŭ, Lida, Połack and other towns and villages of Belarus. According to the experts of Christian Information portal KRYNICA.INFO the most significant pilgrimage was from Maładziečna – this year there were about 300 participants, the most durative pilgrimage was from Baranаvičy – people were on the way 9 days. The pilgrimage from Minsk was the most international, as people from Russia, the Ukraine, Czech Republic and the USA moved together. About 3000 of pilgrims came to Budslaŭ as members at 20 walking and cycling groups. All together about 30 000 of people visited the Fest according to the estimation of priest Jury Sanjko, press-secretary of the Conference of Bishops of Belarus. On the catholic.by portal it was carried out on-line translation of the Budslaŭ Fest celebration, one can be acquainted with the photo-reporting of the events on site «Living heritage of Belarus» here and here. Reviews forum #FORUM# is not exist |