We CONGRATULATE on obtaining the status of historical and cultural value!![]() The resolution of Council of Ministers № 607 of 2 August , 2016 «About giving of the status and categories of historical and cultural value, disposal of the status of historical and cultural value and entering of changes and additions extra which resolutions of Council of Ministers of Republic of Belarus» is accepted On the basis of decisions belarusian republican scientific snd methodical Council for questions of historical and cultural heritage at the Ministry of Culture, the status of historical and cultural value allocated to 35 intangible developments of creativity of the person These elements of intangible cultural heritage have been provided for consideration of scientific and methodical Council from April, 2012 to a pas April, 2016 from all areas of Belarus. We CONGRATULATE on obtaining the official status of historical and cultural value of representatives of communities who keep and practice the traditions, experts of institutions of culture, experts, the public representatives who worked on preparation of documents, local authorities which take the responsibility for preservation of intangible cultural heritage of the areas! Information on the ceremonies, traditions, technologies provided in the State list of historical and cultural values is located in Inventory of intangible cultural heritage Reviews forum #FORUM# is not exist |